CIBO E PAESAGGIO – un tempo presente

Born from the collaboration between E.ART.H and CAMERA – Centro Italiano per la Fotografia, the exhibition is part of a project consisting of a cycle of thematic exhibitions curated by Giangavino Pazzola, featuring artists selected for FUTURES Photography, the European talent program on young photography trends.

The works of the FUTURES Photography 2023 artists are on display:

Eleonora Agostini (Mirano, 1991)
Marina Caneve (Belluno, 1988)
Matteo de Mayda (Treviso, 1984)
Giaime Meloni (Cagliari, 1984)
Camillo Pasquarelli (Roma, 1988)
Sara Scanderbech (Nardò, 1985)

This exhibition is hosted in the second radius of the Art Market, dedicated to collaborations between Eataly Art House and FUTURES.


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