E.ART.H. meets Luca Bizzarri

June 26, 2023 19:00


On Monday, June 26, at 7 p.m., Eataly Art House hosts Luca Bizzarri (Genoa, 1971), actor, comedian, stand-up comedian and TV host.
After making his debut as a theater actor with the Gilberto Govi dialect theater company, he graduated from the acting school of the Teatro Stabile di Genova in 1994, beginning a distinguished career that has seen him star in numerous programs on the small and big screen.
In addition to pursuing an acting career, Bizzarri in 2017 became president of the Cultural Foundation of the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, his hometown, holding the post for five years. During this time, Bizzarri provided the impetus for the re-functionalization and enhancement of the Ducale’s spaces, including: the recovery of the Piccolo Teatro, the restoration of the interior frescoes and exterior facades.
In 2020 he made his debut as a writer with the novel Disturbing the Public Quiet.

Conference Center | Free event, reservations on Eventbrite.


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